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Life Guidance


We get one life. It is our little project. Just for us. We get a cast of characters: some we like, some we love, some betray us, some we leave. But it is still our little project, and no one can take it from us. No one.


We work so hard on our projects. Each of us, every day, working away, to learn skills, to refine them, all to better craft our project. Our projects are important. Each project is a record of every win, every loss, every tie, every disappointment, every surprise, every hope, every first, every second, and all that followed.


We adapt and adjust our project, to make it better. We mine something from every single experience, to apply to our project. It’s like a collage. But we only have one. Sometimes it gets damaged, and we have to do some rebuilding, which only makes the collage more meaningful, because it represents the loss, and how we came back from it. We can reference it forevermore, when we encounter challenges. We can even help people, with their collages, by telling the story of our own.

The above is a quote from a piece I wrote in 2021. It expresses my belief in the inherent sacredness of each of our lives. I feel deeply about the lessons I've learned during my time on earth—the confusion, the struggles, and the subsequent highs and lows—and I take my intuitive gifts very seriously, in the opportunity I have to help others along their paths. 

During an intuitive guidance session, we will have a conversation that helps you with your life—your project—in addressing questions like:


  • How can I use my talents to achieve a greater sense of fulfillment in day-to-day life?

  • Why do I feel stuck in the same behavioral patterns with family and friends?

  • How can I live with more conviction to my inner truth and principles?

  • Is there something specific I should or could be doing with my life?


If you're feeling generally lost and can't come up with any specific questions, that's perfectly fine too. I am skilled at reading "blind", so to speak, so upon meeting you over Zoom, I will quickly gain an understanding of why you booked the reading, what spirit or your guides would like to tell you, and I'll steer the ship accordingly. 

After you book a reading, I will send you a short email questionnaire so that I understand what you'd like to get out of our time together. 


Guidance sessions are all held virtually, through Zoom, Skype, or Facetime. Sessions can be booked for 60 or 90 minutes in total. 


If you have any questions about my readings, or if you're not sure which kind of reading to book, please contact me. I check my emails often and will usually reply within 24 hours. 

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